Staking your tokens is a popular way to generate passive income in the crypto world. By holding and locking your CAIRO BANK tokens in the CAIRO BANK, you will earn juicy staking rewards. These rewards are paid out in the form of $CAF or $USDT, providing a steady source of passive income over time.
...designed for steady growth
Tokens that are designed for steady growth are typically developed with a long-term perspective in mind. This approach often involves implementing strategies such as regular token burns, limiting the total supply of tokens and building a strong, dedicated community of supporters.
ยท Token Name:
ยท Token Symbol:
ยท Contract Address:
ยท Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
ยท Max Supply: 3,490,000
ยท Buy/Sell (%): x/x (BURN/LP)
ยท Deposit/Withdraw (%): 1.5/5 (Team/Burn)
How can you get CAIRO BANK tokens? will able to buy your CAIRO BANK tokens on Pancakeswap.
However, Cairo long term supporters will get CAIRO BANK tokens airdropped.
If you staked your PHARAO tokens, your airdrop ratio will be 15:1 (PHARAO:CAIRO BANK) of your deposit amount. (Snapshot Date: 1.4.2023)
If you staked your $CAF tokens in the PHARAOH Farm Pot, your airdrop ratio will be 20:1 (CAF:CAIRO BANK) of your first net deposit amount. (Snapshot Date: As soon as the Pharaoh Farm Pot net deposit balance reaches 10,000,000 $CAF)
If you staked your $CAF tokens in the PHARAOH Farm Pot after 10,000,000 $CAF were reached in net deposit balance, your airdrop ratio will be 45:1 (CAF:CAIRO BANK) of your first net deposit amount. (Snapshot Date: As soon as the Pharaoh Farm Pot net deposit balance reaches 35,000,000 $CAF)
For the future there are also several giveaways planned for the Top Leaders of the PHARAOH Farm Pot.
Last updated